How To Tie an Arm Sling First Aid

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This simple method of how to tie an arm sling first aid is essential to support and immobilize an injured arm until you can seek medical attention without doing further damage.

Horizontal Arm Sling:

  1. Insert the triangular bandage the elbow (armpit) hollow of the injured side.

  2. The top point of the bandage should be placed on the same side as the injury.

  3. The knot should be tied on the injured side between the top of the shoulder and collarbone.

  4. The hand inside the arm sling should be at the same level or just slightly higher than the elbow.

  5. The arm sling bandage should cover most of the hand, only exposing from the knuckle to fingertips so the fingers can be checked occasionally for circulation.

The Elevated Arm Sling:

  1. The injured arm should be positioned so the person’s fingertips touch the opposite shoulder.

  2. The triangular bandage should be placed over the injured arm so that it covers at least half or more of the upper arm pulling it upwards.

  3. The knot should be tied on the injured side between the top of the shoulder and collarbone.

  4. The arm sling bandage should cover most of the hand, only exposing from the knuckle to fingertips so the fingers can be checked occasionally for circulation.

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First Aid

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